Ziege IgG anti-Huhn IgY (H+L)-AMCA, MinX Bo,Go,Gp,Hs,Ho,Hu,Ms,Rb,Rt,Sh

Artikelnummer 103-155-155 Wirtsspezies IgG-Form Spezies-Reaktivität Spezifität Isotyp Klonalität (Mono-/Polyklonal) Anwendung Durchflusszytometrie (Flow Cytometry), ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay), Immuncytochemie, Immunfluoreszenz, Immunhistochemie (Gefrierschnitte), Immunhistochemie (IHC), Immunhistochemie (Paraffingewebe)
Konjugation Maximale Anregung Maximale Emission Keine Kreuzreaktivität (MinX) mit Hamster syrisch, Human, Kaninchen, Maus, Meerschweinchen, Pferd, Ratte, Rind, Schaf, Ziege
Verdünnung Format 0,05% NaN3, 15 mg/ml BSA (IgG- und Protease-frei), 250 mM NaCl, affinitätsgereinigt durch antigenspezifische Affinitätschromatographie, in 10 mM PBS (pH 7,6), Lyophilisat
Zweckbestimmung Produktlinie / Thema Hersteller / Marke - Datenblätter und Downloads
Weitere Produktinformationen
Based on immunoelectrophoresis and/or ELISA, the antibody reacts with whole molecule chicken IgY. It also reacts with the light chains of other chicken immunoglobulins. No antibody was detected against non immunoglobulin serum proteins. The antibody has been tested by ELISA and/or solid-phase adsorbed to ensure minimal cross-reaction with chicken, goat, guinea pig, Syrian hamster, horse, human, mouse, rabbit, rat, and sheep serum proteins, but it may cross-react with immunoglobulins from other species.
Aminomethylcoumarin Acetate (AMCA) conjugates absorb light maximally around 350 nm and fluoresce maximally around 450 nm. For fluorescence microscopy, AMCA can be excited with a mercury lamp and observed using a UV filter set. Since blue fluorescence is not well detected by the human eye, AMCA-conjugated secondary antibodies should be used only with the most abundant antigens in multiple-labeling experiments. Ways of improving the visibility of AMCA include dark adapting the eyes, using fluorite instead of glass objectives, avoiding mounting media that absorb UV light (such as plastic-based media), and capturing photographic images with blue-sensitive film or CCD cameras. AMCA fades rapidly in conventional epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, and therefore it should be used with mounting media containing an anti-fading agent such as n-propyl gallate.