You have the choice: Rat clone HH3E or Rabbit monoclonal antibody.
Rat monoclonal antibody HH3E and our purified Rabbit polyclonal antibody have been specifically validated for the detection of murine CD3 in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections (mouse FFPE). CD3 is a defining feature of cells belonging to the T cell lineage and can therefore be used as T cell marker. During T cell maturation the expression of CD3 migrates from the cytoplasm of pro-thymocytes to the cell-membrane of thymocytes.
The specific appearance at all stages of T cell development make CD3 an ideal marker for normal T cells and T cell neoplasms (lymphomas, leukemias). Moreover, CD3 is a usefull immunohistochemical marker for T cells in tissue sections.
Immunhistochemistry of mouse CD3e with purified Rabbit polyclonal antibody in standard-FFPE tissue sections.
(All sections were stained by ABC method with HRP according to standard
procedures. Pictures courtesy of Christel Bonnas, Synaptic Systems,
Göttingen, Germany)
Immunhistochemistry of mouse CD3e with Rat clone HH3E in standard-FFPE tissue sections.
(All sections were stained by an indirect alkaline phosphatase method
according to standard procedures and counterstaining with Hämatoxylin.
Pictures courtesy of Prof.H.Stein, Pathodiagnostik Berlin, Berlin,
Order: anti-msCD3 FFPE / mono- & polyclonal
Validated for the detection of CD3 in mouse FFPE-tissue sections.
IHC Antibodies – Mouse Histology
IHC-validated marker for Mouse Histology – Specifically developed for murine formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE)!