We provide all catalogs and brochures listed below as PDF documents. To save the documents on your computer, please right click on the download symbol and select “Save target as…”. The “Acrobat Reader“ program (version 4 or higher) is required for viewing and printing the documents. You can download this program for free from the Adobe website.
Secondary Antibody Resources

Find the right secondary antibody in 6 steps
In this document you can find helpful information on choosing the right secondary antibody.
Overview of Topselling Primary Antibodies dianova Brand

IHC-Premium Antibodies
dianova constantly develops and validates new antibody clones for IHC detection of important biomarkers in FFPE tissues.
dianova Branded Primary Antibodies Resources

IDH1 R132H – Minireview
Clone H09 has established worldwide as a standard tool for IHC detection of IDH1 R132H in neuropathology and research.
Download Brochure
>> more details: IDH1R132H.com

Mouse CD31 Histology IHC-FFPE
New IHC-validated CD31 marker for mouse histology on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues.
Detection of CALR mutations – Clone CAL2
Product brochure for the immunohistochemical detection of all types of CALR mutations with antibody clone CAL2.