Immunoselect Antifading Mounting Medium

SKU SCR-038447 Article Group Product Name Description fluorescence mounting medium, no background autofluorescence, slowly hardening over weeks, strong reduction of photobleaching, viscous fluid, water-based
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Additional Product Information
ImmunoSelect® Antifading Mounting Medium is developed for fluorescence-microscopical use combining strong initial fluorescence with drastical reduction of photobleaching over time. In contrast to several media ImmunoSelect® Antifading Mounting Medium does not exhibit autofluorescence at any common wavelength.
ImmunoSelect® Antifading Mounting Medium is an aqueous mountant which does not solidify directly, but remains a viscous liquid for several days on the slide. To mount cellular material on the slide one drop of medium is sufficient. After a cover slip is applied, the medium disperses over the entire section. When mounted slides are stored at 4°C in the dark, fluorescence will remain for many weeks.
Immunostaining of DNA adducts (red) and CNPase (green) in cryosections of the inner ear (stria vascularis) from mice (24 h after exposure to a DNA-reative platinum compound)*.
Compatibility with Fluorochromes
The Mounting Medium is tested for several fluorescence dyes:
- Fluorescein derivatives, eg. FITC
- Rhodamine derivatives, eg. Rhodamin Red-X, TRITC, Texas Red
- All common fluorescent dyes, eg. Alexa Fluor dyes, DyLight dyes, Cyanine dyes
- Phycobilliproteins, eg. PE
- Hoechst 33358 and 3334
- Propidium Iodide
* J. Thomale, Institute for Cell Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany